Dec. 8, 2020

Breckenridge Manor Luminary Walk

Please see the attached flyer about the Luminary Walk. 

Dec. 8, 2020

Fall 2020 Newsletter

Please see the attached fall newsletter. 

Nov. 24, 2020

Dogs Running at Large

You must have your dog on a leash at all times. Once your dog is no longer in your house or fenced yard, the State, City, and County require them to be leashed at all times.  It is actually a criminal offense in the City of Mesa, to allow your dog to roam free of a leash. The Homeowners Association also imposes hefty fines for allowing your dog to roam without a leash.  There are several approved leash-free dog parks here in the City of Mesa if Fido needs a good run. To report a violation, please contact Heywood Management or the City of Mesa Animal Control Department. Animal Control, City of Mesa: All dogs must be leashed and kept under control when not contained in a fenced yard or inside of your home. It is also unsafe, as your dog could be hit by a car, become lost or stolen, or get in a fight with another dog. Allowing your dog to run at large is a class 1 misdemeanor under the Mesa City Code. 

Nov. 17, 2020

Racoons in Breckenridge Manor Neighborhood

It was reported in NextDoor that Racoons have been cited in our community. Please take precautions, bring any leftover food inside after feeding pets to prevent attracting Racoons to your yard. Put all trash in the garbage can and keep the lids closed. Watch out for small pets, birds and turtles, etc. Do not put food out for feral animals. Thank you for your attention to this matter as Racoons carry rabies, can be very destructive, and have a vicious bite.

Oct. 30, 2020

Board Meeting

The Board will be meeting for a final meeting of the year next week, Wednesday, November 4th at 6:00 pm.  Attached is the proposed agenda, which is subject to change prior to the meeting.  The meeting will be held electronically again. Use the link below and download the Ring Central App / Program, for your computer, tablet, or smartphone.  You can also use Zoom if you already have that program on your computer or device.  With Zoom, click on join meeting and enter the meeting ID number below. You can join in using any smartphone, tablet, or computer.  You can also join via conference call using the telephone number below.  Once the call is answered, you will be prompted to enter the meeting ID below. Breckenridge Nov. Board meeting Nov 4, 2020 6:00 PM Arizona

Oct. 30, 2020


The winter lawns always look beautiful in the community during the cooler winter months.  Some owners are having issues, or the winter lawn was not germinated with proper watering.   Winter lawn is required, so thank you for addressing any issues you are having and reach out for help if needed.  Winter lawn watering will continue through next week, so lawns will not be mowed until the following week after next.  You can put down seed and germinate it in the bare areas in the next week if you move quickly. Not next week, but the week after, (week of Nov. 9th) please set your lawn irrigation to water for 5 min, 1 time per day.   Set your clock to water for 4 days during the week.  Turn the clock off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to allow for mowing on Wednesday each week.   Irrigation at the homes is running too long.  Water is running off into the streets and into the retention basins.  Too much water will not soak in and it creates puddles and mosquitoes. Thank you for doing what you need to for a healthy winter lawn.  Thank you for adjusting your water time, for regular winter watering starting the week of November 9th.

Oct. 23, 2020


The HOA is looking for volunteers to help treat the trees in the common area on October 31st. Please see the attached flyer for information.

Oct. 6, 2020

Garage Sale, October 10th

The Community Garage Sale is this Saturday, October 10th from 7:00am - 2:00pm.  Please see the attached flyer. 

July 7, 2020

July Board Meeting

As a reminder, the Board will be meeting for a July Board Meeting this Wednesday, the 8th at 6:00 pm.  Attached is the proposed agenda, which is subject to change prior to the meeting.  Out of an abundance of caution and with things still a problem with COVID-19, the meeting will be held electronically.  Use the link below and download the Ring Central App / Program, for your computer, tablet or smart phone.  You can also use Zoom, if you already have that program on your computer or device.  With Zoom, click on join meeting and enter the meeting ID number below. You can join in using any smartphone, tablet or computer..  You can also join via conference call using the telephone number below.  Once the call is answered, you will be prompted to enter the meeting ID below. Breckenridge Manor July Meeting Jul 8, 2020 6:00 PM Arizona Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: For the best audio experience, please use computer audio. Or Dial in by Telephone:     Dial (623) 404-9000     Meeting ID: 148 354 3442

June 23, 2020

Town of Gilbert, Fireworks

Please see the attached link to the Town of Gilbert's website regarding fireworks on what is and what is not allowed. Also attached is Gilbert's website about the Centennial 4th of July Celebration.

June 12, 2020

Community Garage Sale

We have a date for the Community Garage sale set for Saturday, June 27th, from 7:00am to Noon. Great way to clear out items you no longer have a use for. Please remember to keep social distance if you choose to participate, also masks are encouraged.  

May 12, 2020

Town of Gilbert food drive

Please see the attached flyer on the Town of Gilberts proposed food drive.  

April 30, 2020

Board Meeting Cancellation

The Board Meeting set for May has been canceled. The Board will meet again in June.

March 13, 2020

Community Garage Sale, Canceled

With all the events canceling in the valley the Board decided to cancel the Community Garage sale on April 18th. It was decided that now is not a good time for extra people to be coming into the neighborhood. We want to keep our friends and family out of harm's way. The sale will be rescheduled for another day.

March 2, 2020


The Annual Meeting of owners for 2020 will be held this Wednesday, March 4th.  The meeting will be at 6:00 pm at the Heywood Management Offices.  Meeting Agenda and Absentee Ballot are attached.  Thank you for taking a quick moment and returning your Absentee Ballot if you can not attehd.  Thank you - Dave Heywood